Best Child Specialist & Pediatrician in Siliguri

Apartment Mayfair Gardens, Flat 3F Pineview, Shivmandir Road, Punjabipara, Near Pranami Vidyaniketan School, Siliguri - 734001 9434065677

Newborn child Care in Siliguri for Essentials child Care Advice

Now since you have realized that you have been labelled as “parents”, its high-time you should be serious about the little one. Whether you are experienced or first-time parents, you should be aware that a newborn child requires immense care and for this purpose, doctors and nurses can serve you the best. Many hospitals nowadays provide a separate room for mother and child for breastfeeding purposes and promoting physical closeness. It is very important for parents to spend more time with the baby because attachment highly contributes to the emotional growth of the child.

Basics on Handling A Newborn:

New member in the family involves a lot of confusion. New parents especially find difficulty in handling and pampering the little one.  Below are a few basic points to keep in mind while handling a newborn:

1. Newborns are highly susceptible to infections: Foreign germs can quickly attack their developing immune system and cause sickness. Therefore, one must always be careful to wash their hands properly before picking the baby.

2. Holding your baby in a correct manner is very important, for they cannot control their body on their own. There are several ways to hold your baby unless you are comfortable with the position. Comfortable in position means that you are confident of the hold.
3. Newborns lack the control of keeping their head supported in their own. Therefore, it is very important to provide support to your baby`s head and neck while holding the child upright or laying down in bed. Cradle hold is the best way to hold your little one in the first few weeks.
4. Make sure you do not shake the baby. Since newborns do not come up with a strong immune system, the shaking may sometimes lead to bleeding in the brain (brain haemorrhage).
5. At the time of diapering your baby, always make sure that you have the required things within your reach so that you don`t leave the child unattended.
6. Try making skin to skin contact with the little one because it is the best way to keep them warm and develop a close bond.
7. Your baby is not ready for rough play so avoid certain activities like jiggling on the knee, throwing up in the air, and rough driving.
8. Your infant is not ready for tub baths. Therefore, arrange a safe and flat surface to bathe your dearest little one. Fill a sink with warm water and with the help of a washcloth damped with water, gently wipe the baby body starting from eyes and later the entire body. Pat it dry.
9. Parents, however, should not expect to sleep peacefully throughout the night. The infant`s digestive system is so small that they require nourishment in every few hours.
10. While traveling by car or to a nearby place, always make sure that your baby is securely fastened into the stroller, carrier or car seat.
Besides, baby care at home, it is essentially important to take expert advice of doctors or child specialists. Remember, a child has to be examined from birth so, parents are highly recommended to make a routine visit to child doctors for scheduled immunization. Working parents as well can provide good care for their infants.  You can type “new born daycare near me” or newborn child care near me” from home and Google will serve you with a number of childcare centres in your nearest locality.

Child Specialists and Newborn Child Care in Siliguri

There are a number of childcare clinics in Siliguri which serve to provide a safe and healthy life to your little one. Listed below is the name of few child specialists and little newborn baby care in Siliguri.

Dr. Prince Parakh`s Newborn Child Care Centre:
 Address- Burdwan Road, near Senco Jewellers, near Rishi Bhawan, Burdwan Road, Siliguri. (Contact no. – + (91)-9735729471)
 Dr. Tanushree R. Peters (Best Child Specialist & Paediatrician in Siliguri):

Address- Apartment Mayfair Gardens, Flat 3F Pineview, Shivmandir Road, Punjabipara, Near Pranami Vidyaniketan School, Siliguri. (Contact no. – 098325 70903)
Dr. Sanjay Chowdhary (Pediatrician and Neonatologist):

Address- Available at Ananta Medical Stores, Hill Cart Road and  Anandaloke Multi-speciality Hospital, Siliguri(Contact no. – (0353) 2530422)
Parents are highly responsible on how they raise their child. So help your child grow in a healthy and safe manner.


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